About the Author
Hello, I'm Carrie Hyatt, and I'm so glad to have the privilege of sharing my stories with you.
My mission is to create teachable moments that touch and bond those reading my books with those who actively listen.
Readers will find something deeper to discuss and something special to learn not just from my stories, but from listening to and interacting with one another.
I've always had a passion for writing and for creating teachable moments with children through my written work. My passion for teaching children graduated into homeschooling my own kids and running a home school group that grew to nearly 50 families and over 100 kids. I wrote curricula and devotionals for all kinds of educational purposes for kids of all ages. Many of my children's stories were written during those precious years.
I wrote, Spider! Snake! and Bee! from some of my own experiences dealing with fear and remembering my mom's techniques to help me cope.
As a child, I used to get the heebeegeebees, and I became speechless at the sight of any spider. My fearless mom was always there to rescue me. She was very patient, and creative with me and my siblings to gently steer us away from the bondage of fear whenever we became fearful for any reason.
I believe the Shout Fear Out series will help equip people both young and old to conquer some of their fears through laughter and meaningful interaction.
I invite you to find something deeper to discuss and something special to learn not just from my stories, but from listening to and interacting with one another.
If you enjoyed "SPIDER!" and "SNAKE!", you are in for a treat. "BEE!" ramps up the fun! There is a lot to learn and do. This playful little book sends an empowering message to enable kids to overcome the gripping effects of fear. Read all three books in the Shout Fear Out series. Kids will shout and move about while interacting with the characters in each story. My hope is that through laughter, participation, and discussion during teachable moments, kids will experience their own awareness of how fear affects them, and learn to escape from its crippling power.
Copy & Paste the link in Amazon to see the series!
For those who have been asking, "MOUSE!" is coming soon. It will be the stand-off of the century! Get ready to shout, "MOUSE!". Then see who moves first! Will it be the mouse, the woman of the house, or will it be you?